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Call for elections for community representatives in the LACNIC Technical Forum (FTL) Program Committee.

Ends this Tuesday, June 11, the open call for nominations of candidates to occupy 2 positions in the Program Committee of the LACNIC Technical Forum on behalf of the community. Candidates must be subscribed to at least one of the mailing lists of the FTL (Security, IPv6, Interconnection) and may be self-nominated or nominated by a third party who is subscribed to at least one of these lists.

The LACNIC Technical Forum (FTL) is a space for the LAC community to share and discuss Internet technologies and technical implementations. It holds face-to-face meetings during LACNIC events. The forum includes high-level technical presentations on topics such as cybersecurity, IPv6, DNS, the Internet of Things, interconnection, routing, content distribution networks, network operation, regulations, and others. The FTL agenda is coordinated by a multistakeholder Program Committee which includes LACNIC community, LACNIC staff and LACNOG representatives.

For detailed information on the election, applications and calendar, see:

For details about the FTL and the functions of its Program Committee, see:


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