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New services, new opportunities


Do you need to send a large file? Would you like to create a gallery with photos of your community? Need a simple and modern tool to design and manage your website? Want to share a video of a lecture or meeting? All this and more just a click away.

ServicesFor the RedCLARA users, March comes loaded with new features. From today four new free services are available to the associated academic networks and Latin American research communities. The Benefits? Applications that strengthen and enhance the networking of registered users in giving them the opportunity to interact and collaborate with parners across Latin America.





Subir archivoTo share a lot: Upload File

By accessing this option you will have the possibility to upload large files to a temporary server  that generates an URL where you can download the information as much as needed for a week.

• Files allowed: zip, rar, doc, xls, pdf, docx, odt, xlsx. In the case of having more than one file or a file with a different extension than the ones mentioned, it can be compressed as .zip or. rar.
• Maximum size allowed for sendingr: 1024 MB
• Files are stored for a week. After that, they are automatically deleted by the system.
• Files are protected for download. Only people who has receive the downloading URL that the system sends to the mail and that are registered in the portal will have access to it.

Album A picture is worth a thousand words: Create new album

This service allows you to create easily and quickly a gallery of images by selecting multiple files. After creating the album the options View / Manage Images allow to order, tag, delete or add pictures to the gallery.

• The system can load up to 100 photos at a time.
• Allows to create unlimited albums to organize photos.
• Allows to specified if the uploaded photos are private, public or restricted to an specfic community.
• Allows uploading high resolution pictures, up to 100MB.
•People registered on the portal can be tag on the photos
• Images can then be downloaded or linked from other components of the portal (eScaparate, Wiki, etc.).

www Do it yourself: Webhosting for Communities
With eScaparate you can expand the visibility of your research community by publishing the progress and results of the research work, future steps, contact details, basic or detail information, work plans, photos and more.

For the exclusive use of RedCLARA communities, the service requires basic knowledge of FTP, HTML and Web page creation. RedCLARA do not provide advice on the design, editing and/or publication of the sites and/or pages.

• 500 MB of disk capacity.
• Unlimited traffic.
• Remote access via FTP (for the exclusive use of the community organizer).
• Publishing in the domain http:// [community_name]. / and [community_name].
• Available for corporative information on web format based on standard HTML.
• Allows installation of MySQL databases.
• Allows to upload pages by file managers or the creation of these through templates of the system.

VideoLights, camera, research!: Video on Demand

Thanks to RedCLARA Ve is possible to share a course, lecture or tutorial through the RedCLARA video storage system. With the options "Add", "Search" and "All videos" the academic and scientific community registered in the RedCLARA portal have the opportunity to access to valuable selection of videos from any Internet-connected computer.

• Can be uploading videos of up to 980MB.
• Allows charging up to 50 videos per user.
• Allowed the following formats: mpg, mpeg, avi, divx, mp4, wmv, mov, asf.
• Allows existing upload videos in any of the following compatible providers: YouTube, Yahoo Video, MySpace Video, Flickr, Vimeo, and others.

Rambla República de México 6125.
Montevideo 11400. Uruguay.

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